Title Effect of Outriggers and Belt Trusses on Preventing Progressive Collapse in Tall Buildings
Authors Kim Han-Soo ; Choi Hyung-Geun
Page pp.51-58
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Tall Building ; Outrigger ; Belt-truss ; Progressive Collapse ; Alternative Load Path
Abstract The progressive collapse is defined as a situation where local failure of a primary structural component leads to the collapse of adjoining members, which in turn leads to additional collapse. In this study the effect of outriggers and belt trusses, of which primary purpose is to reduce the lateral displacement of a tall building due to wind loads, on preventing progressive collapse is investigated. Several numerical examples with or without outriggers and belt trusses are evaluated to determine the possibility of progressive collapse according to GSA guidelines. According to the study, outriggers and belt trusses increase the resisting capacity to the progressive collapse in a tall building. The installation of outriggers and belt trusses in a lower story is more effective way of resisting the progressive collapse.