Title A Study on Developing a Context-Aware Scenario for the RFID Application of the Information Management on the Construction Materials
Authors Lee Ju-Hyun ; Song Jeong-Hwa ; Oh Kun-Soo
Page pp.111-118
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Context-Aware Scenario ; RFID ; Materials Management ; Construction Materials
Abstract As a new paradigm for construction in the ubiquitous era, IT Technology like RFID is an emerging issue in the building industry. The final objective of the research intends to develop a context-aware scenario of the RFID application for applicability improvement on the construction materials. For the purpose, we propose a basic method that adopts an application of various IT technology and introduce the concept of context-aware for complicated construction information. This paper systematizes the construction materials and the context in the building industry for RFID Application and suggests the context-aware scenario for applying RFID technology in apartment building project. We adopt the context-aware components like subject, location, time and work. This paper suggests the method of developing the context-aware scenario considering the material-transfer-process and a field study. Finally, we illustrates the sample of context-aware scenario according to the development process. By implementing the context-aware scenario developed in this research into construction site, we confirmed the possibility of real time materials management through RFID system. In the end, it is expected to offer a theoretical basis to embody RFID technology in the building industry and apply the method of the systematic approach for adopting IT Technology to the construction environments.