Title An Analysis of the Entertainment Elements in the Urban Entertainment Center
Authors Ha Sung-Joo ; Ha Mi-Kyoung
Page pp.63-72
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Entertainment Center ; Entertainment Element ; Ambient Entertainment ; Destination Entertainment ; Impulse Entertainment
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze how the entertainment elements is applied to the design and whether there is a difference between the facility types. The object is restricted to four representative Urban Entertainment Centers in Seoul. They are divided into horizontal and hybrid type in accordance with the tenants arrangement. The study was progressed through the case analysis by the records and the field survey. The result is as follows; 1) it is a result about the ambient entertainment. The horizontal is an underground mall with a passage from a main entrance to a terminus and the various nodes at turning points. The hybrid has a passage from an open-space on the ground or a deck above vertically to the top of building and an outside node connecting to separate buildings on the middle-floor. 2) It is a result about destination entertainment. All cases have in common the fact that they have a category dominant store. But the hybrid has a large discount store on the lower level and more various entertainment destinations including sports facility than horizontal. In the horizontal, retail is in the halfway, dining is around the sub-entrance and entertainment is at a terminus. Compared to it, in the hybrid the location of retail and dining is different on the case-by-case but all entertainment destinations are on the upper floor. The relative area ratio is in order of entertainment-retail-dining(horizontal) and retail-entertainment-dining(hybrid). 3) It is a result about impulse entertainment. It is happened at an entrance, passage, and node. Especially the passage of the horizontal type and the entrance of hybrid are utilized for impulse.