Title The Formation & Spatial Characteristics of Public Architecture in Seoul since 20th Century - In Case of Seoul City Hall, Seoul Central Post Office Building, and Seoul Metropolitan Railway Station
Authors Shin Ye-Kyeong ; Kim Jin-Kyoon
Page pp.107-118
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Public Architecture ; Formation ; Spatial Characteristics ; Seoul City Hall ; Seoul Metropolitan Railway Station ; Seoul Central Post Office Building
Abstract This study started from a point a view on the tendency that some preceding studies often compare public architecture in korea to western's or they used to follow the western characteristics of publicity. However their recognition and attitude about publicity for the public architecture are different from ours in aspect of cultural and historical background. This problem originated from the lack of understanding about the characteristics of our place while they know the importance of public architecture. So the purpose of this study is about the formation and spatial characteristics of public architecture in historical city of Seoul since 20th century in case of Seoul City Hall, Seoul Metropolitan Railway Station, Seoul Central Post Office Building. These cases can show that our built environment in historical context from construction to present as public architecture. Their publicity. In conclusion of this study, these buildings are realized the publicity from the inner and outer part; in the inner part, expanding the publicity with installing the up-to-date facilities and giving positive aid to the user. On the other hand, in the outer part, the relationship among the pedestrian-square-building has more 3-dimensional effect and the buildings make the image of symbolic urban landscape.