Title An Experimental Study on Mechanical Performance of Sanji Joint System for Repair and Reinforcement of Beam in Traditional Wooden Architectural Properties and it's Modernization
Authors Han Jae-Su ; Jang Kie-Chang ; Kim Chang-Jun
Page pp.179-186
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Mechanical Performance of Sanji Joint System ; Repair and Reinforcement of Beam in Traditional Wooden Architectural Properties
Abstract Unfortunately a method of westernized light and heavy timber construction system, being popular, are applied widely to the construction of a wooden building at present in korea. The more increase of introducing of foreign techniques were buried in oblivion, are confused identity on architectural thought corresponding traditional wood structural system. Thus, in this study inheriting the structural characteristics of Korean architecture such as the classical wood joint system has the worth to develope the cultural competitiveness in future housing, for repair and reinforcement of beam in Traditional Wooden Architectural properties. The contents and extents of this study are outlined as the practical design of traditional wood joint system, and the experimental tests on joint system such as beam with the tabled splayed joint connections. The elements for realizing the traditional wood joint system can be found by analyzing the methods of construction and the structural characteristics of wood structures in classical building. The specimens proposed in a draft were made of material woods and glulams. Tests are carried out to confirm the structural capacities and characteristics of traditional wood tabled splayed joints. The full size joint specimens were assembled and it reflected the effect of variables in design such as the optimum the tabled splayed joint shape, the method of repair and reinforcement of beam in Traditional Wooden Architectural properties and it's Modernization. The result of structural test, the sanji joint system used in the traditional wood structure for repair and reinforcement has been confirmed to have a ability of resisting the lateral forces. But it is needed to be careful in keeping the accuracy in construction and minimizing the deformation due to the change in moisture content.