Title An Analysis for Effect of Crime Preventive CCTV in Residential Areas through Public Opinion Survey
Authors Kang Seok-Jin ; Park Ji-Eun ; Lee Kyung-Hoon
Page pp.235-244
ISSN 12269093
Keywords CCTV(Closed-Circuit Television) ; CPTED ; Fear of Crime ; Experienced Crime Victimization Rate
Abstract The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of CCTV for making a crime-free safe environment in urban residential areas through comparative studies with the view of the residents on crime and fear of crime before and after crime preventive CCTV installation. In order to fulfill this study, we analysed results from the questionnaires and field surveys from Urban residential areas. According to the results from this study, the more CCTV installations occurred in residential areas, there was a reduction in areas vulnerable to crime and fear of crime. Especially, there were affirmative results regarding CCTV installations, even in areas with little to no CCTV not taking into account crime victimization rates, and there were high expectations for the effects of CCTV in public spaces such as alleys, playgrounds and community parks. These affirmative assessments implied that crime preventive CCTV installation was important for the 'diffusion of benefit' for adjoining areas and psychological reassures the residents about the risk of crime. In conclusion, the satisfaction that CCTV provided in crime prevention and reduction in fear of crime was higher than the apprehension about the violation of privacy and human rights. In result, the public desire CCTV installations. Therefore, we think that it is necessary to approach the installation of crime preventive CCTV for residential areas with a positive light.