Title A Study on Comparison and Analysis of the Obtained Scores in the Assessed Green Schools
Authors Jung Ji-Na ; Kim Yong-Seok ; Seok Ho-Tae ; Park Sang-Dong
Page pp.279-286
ISSN 12269093
Keywords School ; Green Building Certification Criteria ; Energy
Abstract Recently, concerns about energy conservation resulting to low carbon - green growth is getting sharply increased. Also is the interest risen in the green building technologies like renewable energy, resource conservation, comfortable indoor environment. So many buildings have obtained Green Building Certificates. Especially in the years of 2007 and 2008 many school buildings have obtained Green Building Certificates. This study aims to compare and analyze the 16 assessed green schools, to suggest the much improved Green Building Certification Criteria for schools and consequently to give the certified green schools the much more environment superiority than not ones.