Title Compressive Force Estimation of Steel Member using Natural Frequency
Authors Shim Hak-Bo ; Park Soo-Yong ; Park Hyo-Seon
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Dynamic Responses ; Mono Harmonic Excitation ; System Identification ; Compressive Force
Abstract The aim of this study is to estimate the compressive force of steel member using a system identification technique with vibration measurements. To date, several methods have been presented to estimate the compressive force using static and/or dynamic responses of the steel member. However, each and every one of these methods has its disadvantages as well as advantages in its procedures, level of accuracy, and equipment requirements. The paper reports a qualitative investigation of vibration under mono harmonic excitation. The methodology utilizes the relationship between the natural frequencies, the structural parameters, and the compressive force of the member. In this paper, experimental results are presented with a steel beam subjecting to several compressive forces and the proposed method is validated using both numerical and experimental data.