Title Characteristics of Mean Wind Pressure Distribution on Rectangular Buildings with Various Heights and Side Ratios
Authors Ha Young-Cheol ; Park Jae-Hyeong ; Hwang Sung-Kwon
Page pp.69-76
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Mean Wind Pressure ; Aspect Ratio ; Side Ratio ; Wind Tunnel Test
Abstract This study summarizes basic results on the characteristics of mean wind pressure distribution on rectangular buildings with various heights and side ratio which is needed to estimate reasonable wind load of buildings, through simultaneous multi-point wind pressure test. 12 types of rectangular wind pressure test models with various heights and side ratios have been made for this study. Wind pressure tests are conducted on the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel at Kumoh National Institute of Technology. The characteristics of mean wind pressure distribution with respect to various heights and side ratios of buildings are analyzed as a function of the aspect ratios and side ratios. The result shows that wind pressure is decreased as the aspect ratio decreases and wind pressure distribution is significantly effected by side ratios on low-rise buildings.