Title Characteristics of Tube Tap in a Tubing System for Pressure Measurement
Authors You Ki-Pyo ; Hwag Jin-Taik ; Lee Hoo-Ryong ; Yoon Hyun-Jae ; Kim Young-Moon
Page pp.117-124
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Tube Tap ; Restrictor ; Transfer Function ; Pressure Experiments
Abstract Wind pressure experiments are conducted using a pressure transducer in order to examine the change of wind pressure in tall buildings, but the equipment is expensive and difficult to fix directly on the model. Thus, wind pressure experiments are often performed using pipes and tube taps. In many cases, however, because of the reduced scale in wind tunnel experiments and other reasons, the pipe for measuring wind pressure at a specific position of a tall building cannot be maintained constant. Thus, the present study obtained a pressure transfer function according to the length and thickness of tube tap and the shape of tube in the model, and conducted a calibration experiment using a restrictor . The results of the experiment are as follows. 1) The effect of the length of the tube tab installed in the model was insignificant that it was negligible in the tube pressure measuring system using a tube. 2) In case the tube tab was bent when a model was built, the length of the bent part did not have a significant effect on pressure. 3) When the tube installed inside the model was twisted, it did not have a significant effect on the result of wind pressure measurement.