Title The Change of Chloride Attack Resistibility of Concrete Damaged Due to Freezing-Thawing
Authors Oh Sang-Gyun
Page pp.169-176
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Chloride Attack ; Freezing-thawing Damage ; Service Life ; Chloride Ion Migration Coefficient
Abstract As the number of concrete building structures in marine environment increases, Thus, concern of long-term durable is growing larger. it is important to study and predict the durability and the compound deterioration of the concrete itself which is appraised through the promotion chloride ion migration coefficient test by freezing-thawing damage. The concrete's resistance against freezing and thawing is tested based on KS F 2456, while its chloride ion migration coefficient is evaluated based on NT BUILD 492. In result of this study obtained as follows;, the more exposure to freezing and thawing process, the shorter compressive strength and service life it gets, due to the increased amount of chloride ion diffusion coefficient