Title A Study on the Master Plan for Korea Military Academy Campus
Authors Lee Pil-Jae ; Kim Jin-Kyoon
Page pp.21-30
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Korea Military Academy ; University ; Campus ; Disposition ; Master Plan
Abstract Until now, there has no organized approach about the campus master plan for Korea Military Academy. From the early founding days, without a certain concept of a master plan, buildings were occasionally built. Due to that the current campus has lots of problems inside. To solve this kind of problems, this journal focuses on the direction for the campus master plan of the military academy and applies the method to K.M.A. With the 2 values(function, uniqueness), reviewed the architectural characteristics that the U.S. military academies pursue. At the same time, reviewed through how each elements are preserved and maintained by the academy. First, through a view of function, the plan of the academy is focused on the convenience for the cadets. For the cadets, controlled by the daily schedule, by planning the facilities closely, it offers a good pathway with spare space and by distinctly separating the road and the pathway protects the cadets from danger when group moving, mustering. Also according the unique culture, history and the nature of the military academy it performs a social welfare service, evidently different with typical universities. Through a view of uniqueness , there has been a struggle to persue the U.S. military academy's own identity. We could figure out by the unique building styles, initial planning principles and the process of maintaining them. And as the military academy stresses on order, with emphasizing the architectural 'sameness', it established its hierarchy and by symbolic and monumental space, it accorded with the architectural 'sameness' so that it could try to eliminate the danger of becoming a standard, simplified form. The categories above doesn't flow the values of function, uniqueness one by one. It rather interacts in a complicated relation for the direction of the Korea Military Academy campus master plan.