Title An Analysis on the Convenient Facilities and Utilization in the Elderly Nursing Institutions
Authors Hwang Eun-Kyoung ; Jang Hye-Won
Page pp.39-46
ISSN 12269093
Keywords The Elderly Nursing Institutions ; Convenient Facilities ; Design Guidelines ; Actual State Analysis
Abstract The goal of this study is to propose the basic design guideline for Elderly nursing institutions through the actual state for Elderly nursing institutions. For this, the problems of Elderly nursing institutions and its improved element was drawn through the analysis of the 21 Elderly nursing institution plans and their condition of the facilities for Elderly nursing institution, and interview with their manager. The results of this study were as fellow: At first, The bedroom should be designed for security and moving easiness. For this, the space for care must be considered about 1.6m beside of the bed. And the width of door must be designed more 1.1m for bed passing. Secondly Toilets must be designed in bedroom as much as possible for their confidence. Thirdly, a corridor must be designed more 2.4m for moving bed and set the floor heating, Last the Elevator must be designed more width 1.5m, depth 2.4m for moving bed.