Title A Study on the Direction of the Legislation of the Multi-Dimensional Mixed-Use Development for the Urban Regeneration
Authors Shin Doo-Sik ; Kim Sung-Sik ; Jeon Young-Hoon ; Choi Yoon-Kyung
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Multi-Dimensional Mixed-Use Development ; Urban Regeneration ; Legislation
Abstract The purpose of this study is to clarify the legislative problems of multi-dimensional mixed-use development and to suggest some correct directions. The multi-dimensional mixed-use development came from the movement which desired to use rationally about limited land while the size of our city became huge and its degree of functions also got higher. However, there are no legal and administrative preparations for the development in Korea. Accordingly, this study focuses on planning of the multi-dimensional mixed-use development and brings up the direction of the legislations of the development. This study concentrated on the legislations in present Korea and it had been advanced by studying about leading researches, interviews with existing experts, analysis of legislations. Moreover, the legislations were classified into three large groups; land using, urban planning, architectural planning. As well, for finding some present problems, it set standards for realization of multi-dimensional mixed-use planning and rationalization of urban public spaces. In conclusion, it got three cases of improvement that needs some detailed guides. preparing relaxation about existing legislations and exceptions and new establishment of the legislations.