Title An Establishment of the Evaluation System of Hanok Residence in Seoul
Authors Baek Sun-Young ; Ahn Kun-Hyuck
Page pp.223-230
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hanok Residence in Seoul ; Evaluation System of Historic Sites ; Analytic Hierarchy Process
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive system for evaluating the value of Hanok Residence in Seoul. 6 expert fields related to the conservation of Hanok Residence were chosen and Delphi method based on Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) had been practiced 4 times. As a result, 4 assessment sections and 14 assessment items were selected and the important factor of them were set up. This evaluation system can indicate the total value of Hanok Residence in Seoul that can be used not as a group of Hanoks or detached houses needing redevelopment but as an important historic area in Seoul. This study can be used as a basis for determining the conservation priority of Hanok Residence in Seoul or further on become a new methodology for establishing value assessment system for other historic areas.