Title A Study on the Urban Tissue Characteristics and Value of Historical Cities - Focused on the Old Town of Gongju
Authors Park Hun ; Chung Jae-Yong
Page pp.249-260
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Historic City ; Historical Environment ; Urban Tissue ; Value
Abstract As the importance of historic cities is being realised by the modern society, the need for studies to reconsider and preserve the values of historic cities is being emphasized. The value of historic cities can be found in their various architectural and historic urban elements and particularly, urban tissues that reflect the historial transformation including streets, blocks, plots of land, and their structure, which can indicate the values in terms of historical environment. The subject of this study is the old area of Gongju City which is seen to contain in its urban tissue the remants of historial political and economic developments from the times of Baekje Kingdom to the modern times. Thus, an investigation and research on the old area of Gongju City were conducted to examine the changes in the urban tissue. Based on the old map, cadastral maps, various documentations, and field investigation, the following conclusion has been drawn: the urban tissue of the Old Gongju was affected by various factors in terms of environment, politics, and economy in its formation from the ancient time up to now. Especially, the changes from the late Joseon Period are regarded as important data in estimating the values of Gonju as a historical city, and exploring how to preserve and manage it.