Title Lateral Displacement Reducing Methods of Connections in Wood Structures with Steel Connectors
Authors Jeong Byung-Joo ; Hong Kap-Pyo ; Jeong Han
Page pp.103-112
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Mechanical Connections ; Biscuit Connections ; Corner Torsion Spring ; Tendon ; Metal Connector ; Hanger-type Connections
Abstract Mechanical connections are defined as those where fasteners penetrate the wood; adhesive connections are not included. Mechanical connections are constructed using two general fastener types dowel and bearing. Dowel type fasteners, such as nails, screws, and bolts, biscuits, transmit either lateral or withdrawal loads. Lateral loads are transmitted by bearing stresses developed between the fastener and the members of the connection. The hanger-type connections are combination of dowel and bearing-type fasteners. Connection design is affected by many of the same factors that influence the strength properties of wood. In addition to the type, number, and size of fasteners, connections strength also depends on such factors as the wood species, direction and duration of load, and conditions of use. In this study wood tendon, steel tendon, steel biscuit connections are compared with each others through the experiment. Shear capacity and cyclic load resisting ability are examined in all connection types. For good fabrication metal connector should be used extensively in wood structure. Corner spring are made of thin angle plate and two torsion spring. They are available in reducing of lateral displacement. Corner springs will be also used in low-strength or nonstructural connections and resist lateral and withdrawal forces.