Title Early Age Properties of Hydration Heat and Autogenous Shrinkage of High-Strength Mass Concrete
Authors Lee Eui-Bae ; Kim Gyu-Yong ; Koo Kyung-Mo ; Lee Hyoung-Jun ; Kim Young-Sun ; Nam Jeong-Soo
Page pp.153-160
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Early Age ; Hydration Heat ; Autogenous Shrinkage ; High-Strength Mass Concrete
Abstract Autogenous shrinkage of high-strength mass concrete is affected high temperature history. So to evaluate autogenous shrinkage of high-strength mass concrete accurately, thermal expansion in it should be removed. In this study, compensated autogenous shrinkage was calculated after gathering thermal expansion coefficient at early age experimentally. And early age properties of compensated autogenous shrinkage and hydration temperature were analyzed and the relationship among the properties was investigated. Autogenous shrinkage of high-strength mass concrete was remarkably higher than it of standard specimen (100×100×400mm). So it was found that compensation on thermal expansion shoud be conducted in evaluating autogenous shrinkage of high-strength mass concrete. In results of the analysis on histories of autogenous shrinkage and hydration temperature, temperature rise ratio of hydration heating section was about 70~80% and shrinkage ratio of autogenous shrinking section was about 60~70% in high-strength mass concrete. And the properties of autogenous shrinkage and hydration temperature at early age were affected by using retarder, fly ash and blast-furnace slag. In analyzing the relationships between autogenous shrinkage and hydration temperature at early age. hydration heating velocity and autogenous shrinkage had a close relationship. And it was considered that ultimate autogenous shrinkage could be affected by hydration heating velocity at early age.