Title A Study on the Selection of the Waterproofing Methods which VE/RWLCC Analysis Methodology in Roof of Structure
Authors Choi Sung-Min ; Oh Sang-Keun ; Seo Chee-Ho
Page pp.161-168
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Value Evaluation ; Risk ; Waterproofing Methods ; Life Cycle Cost
Abstract In the process of selecting a proper waterproof method, in order to examine synthetically the performance, construction technology, maintenance, and economics of waterproof methods and materials to be applied from the planning stage, systematic decision-making process and LCC concept long-term economics evaluation should be accompanied. Based on this, the ultimate value of VE (Value Engineering) can be determined. Therefore, this article ascertains the VE evaluation procedure suggested in advanced researches and the effect and feasibility of RWLCC value analysis methodology. To achieve that, it selects rooftop environments on buildings located in the downtown area and analyzes the result of applying a system to select a proper waterproof method so as to induce the priority order through ultimate valuation of VE.