Title A Study of the Movable Storage Furniture for the Skeleton/Infill Housing in Japan
Authors Yi Yong-Kyu
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Skeleton/Infill Housing ; Variable Infill ; Movable Storage Furniture ; Performance
Abstract This study aims to clear how and why Movable storage furniture's characters are change from it's beginning to today in japan, which can give us view of what Variable Infill must we develop. For that reason, the Performance of the Movable storage furnitures are analyzed which are utilized at the most representable Skeleton/Infill Housing in Japan. The results of this study were as follow; until 20century, the Movable storage furniture are improved for answer to the both flexible and privacy which are contradiction. For that reason, today Movable storage furniture are improved by new understanding the resident's lifestyle.