Title A Study on the Characteristic of Minaret of Islamic Architecture
Authors Sim Bok-Gi
Page pp.75-82
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Minaret ; Muezzin ; Islamic Architecture
Abstract In islamic architecture, minaret persisted developing with islamic architecture history. Minaret being subordinate architecture element of mosque, do the most independent architecture element selfishness degree. Minaret existed from early Islamic architecture shows much change aspects by region, age etc. In functional aspect, change according to age and region and develop. Various form according to age and region of minaret shows. Minaret of Islam early is influenced by existing architecture pattern or region's architecture form. Early function is simple by thing to gather prayer. According to Islam imperial prosperity, minaret's form and function became various and symbolic constituent appears. Symbolic element makes minaret can develop on independent architecture constituent. Practical use extent widened as become independent architecture design element that is not simple minaret coming at present age. Islamic architecture's oneness is no change almost in mosque architecture's case, but minaret is utilized on new architecture constituent in present age comparatively freely because of in this restriction.