Title The Elevation Elements Analysis of High-rise Residence Buildings in China - Focused on Qingdao City in China
Authors Ni Xiao-Xing ; Hwang Yong-Woon ; Lee Sang-Hong
Page pp.119-126
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-rise Residences ; Elevation Element ; Surface And Details Design
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the elevation elements of high-rise residences Qingdao in China, in order to search the new directions of elevation element, and grasp the ideas and methods. So it can plan the qualitative improvement of housing environments can be fulfilled. In this study, discussed the structure art and invention of the high-rise residences architecture, conclude the design method of main body. And discussed the surface and detail design, included designs of roof, balcony, window, air corridor, baluster components, frame, sculpture, outdoor unit of air conditioner, super graphic and colour match. Based on the investigation and analysis of the external image of the high-rise residences organize all sorts of pertinent elements to give prominence to their artistic features in accordance with the whole urban environment, from the perspectives of the individualistic image-innovation of the high-rise residences guided by the conception of integrity and harmony of the environment principle of form aesthetic.