Title A Study on the Type of Corner-connections in the Korean Traditional House
Authors Kim Jeong-Hyun ; Kim Ha-Na ; Jeon Bong-Hee
Page pp.177-186
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Corner-connection ; Korean Traditional House ; Roof Shape ; Structure
Abstract Most buildings have rectangular plans in the East Asian traditional wooden architecture. This is intimately related to structural system which composed of the post and lintel structure. The basic fabrication of columns, beams and purlins forms a structural bay and which expands in latitudinal direction (Purlin-direction) by adding bays. In the Korean traditional house, however, rectangular plan was not so dominant, but more complicated building plans such as ‘L-shape’, ‘ㄷ-shape’, ‘ㅁ-shape’ and ‘T-shape’ were widely found. The houses of these complicated plan are called as kkeokeumjip, a corner-connected house. The corner-connected house requires more deliberate integration of the two structural bays from perpendicular axises. And the structural bay is closely related with the design of the roof over the corner-connection. In this paper, we tried to deal with the types of the corner-connection of the Korean traditional house from the point of both structural connection and roof design.