Title A Study about Natural Ventilation Analysis Methods for Apartment Buildings Using CFD
Authors Huh Yoon ; No Sang-Tae ; Kim Kang-Soo
Page pp.221-228
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Natural Ventilation ; Natural Ventilated Window ; Ventilation Rate ; Computational Fluid Dynamics ; Network Airflow Simulation
Abstract The purpose of this study is the comparison and analysis of Natural Ventilation Evaluation Method of an apartment house by using CFD. This study analyzes the method of CFD's modeling and compares the result with another. The comparison of this study is based on Ventilation Rate which is the methods of Boundary Condition between Velocity and Pressure. The Boundary Condition of this analysis is results between Velocity and Pressure by operating draft evaluation in a housing development. This study simulates the model of natural ventilation system which calculates the Loss Coefficient from ventilating amount of natural ventilation system in actual survey and verifies availability of Loss Coefficient which compares with actual ventilating amount. There is a noticeable distinction as a result of simulation between two models; the model which has a Boundary Condition of Pressure shows 127.8m³/h average ventilating amount and another model which has a Boundary Condition of Velocity shows 47.02m³/h average ventilating amount. For examining the validity of simulation, we make simulation of the Air Network. By showing 114.96m³/h average ventilating amount from the simulation of Air Network, it has 11.8% average error which has a similar result from model of Boundary Condition of Pressure and their variation of statistical graph was alike.