Title A Study on the Practical Application of High Early Strength Type Concrete Using Fine Particle Cement
Authors Sho Kwang-Ho ; Kim Kyoung-Min
Page pp.99-106
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fine Particle Cement ; High Early Strength ; Reduction of Construction Period
Abstract Currently, there is limited to demonstrate the demanding technology for high early strength, and the cost of construction is increased. Therefore, the technology for high early strength is the most important on the cement, so the improvement of high early strength should take precedence over the others on the cement. Therefore, this study investigates the technology for high early strength using fine particle cement which is generated from separator bag filter for the practical application to the construct field and batcher plant. For results, there is not significant difference on the fresh, however the compressive strength when fine particle cement was used is increased about 164~203%, and the time to 5 MPa could be reduced about 1 day and 7 hours.