Title An Analysis on Construction Business Variation Trend based on Construction Industry Structure
Authors Moon Sung-Kon ; Lee Joo-Sung ; Lee Yoon-Sun ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.171-178
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Industry ; Construction Business ; Construction Materials ; Real Property Market ; System Dynamics
Abstract Construction industry supports the national key industry that gives considerable influence in domestic economy. So, there are many studies on construction industry fluctuation. However, it is true that the studies based on the relationship between supply and demand in construction industry and analysis of construction industry variation trend were insufficient. Thus, this study defines the relationship between supply and demand in construction industry by overall analyzation of Construction Industrial Structure. In addition, after reviewing the mutual causality with System Dynamics concerning the construction fluctuation factors, it presents comparison and analyzation of the variation trend. Finally, this study that enables to analyze and estimate the variation trend contributes for stabilization of domestic economy.