Title |
The Characteristics and Influential Element of TVOC and Formaldehyde Emitted from the Complex Materials Used to Windows and Doors |
Keywords |
Windows and Doors ; Total Volatile Organic Compounds ; Formaldehyde ; Bade Material ; Surface Material ; Storage Period |
Abstract |
This study deals with the analyzing characteristics and influential element of total volatile organic compounds(TVOC) and formaldehyde emitted from the combined materials that were used to windows and doors. The experiment was carried out at 9 specimens, and each specimen has different compositions of base and surface material supplied for the windows and doors. We found that the TVOC emission was related to the storage period of base and surface material. When the storage period of material got shorter, the higher TVOC concentration got. And the formaldehyde emission was more concerned with the storage period after manufacturing such as absorbent material use than the storage period of base and surface material. When the elapsed time got shorter which was after complex materials were recombined, the higher formaldehyde concentration got. |