Title Analysis of Light Environment and Building Energy Performance of LED Lamp Installed in Office Building
Authors Kim Byoung-Soo ; Yim Oh-Yon
Page pp.329-336
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Light Emitting Diodes Lamp ; Distributed Line ; Lighting Simulation ; Integrated Energy Performance Simulation of Building ; ESP-r ; TRNSYS
Abstract Generally LED lamp has many advantages to compare with a general lamp, long life and no pollution matter like the mercury. Also it is excellence for color rendering and needs to small consumption electric power. However LED lamp has some disadvantages to compare with general fluorescent lamp and That is small light flux about 50% and narrow light distribution than fluorescent lamp. Therefore, to apply LED lamp in an office building, after analyze a illuminance distribution with an environment analysis and cooling, heating and light energy. The purpose of this study is to analyze light environment, light, cooling and heating energy simulation in Office building. An order of a study is as follows 1) Carried out an analysis of heat and optical characteristic by paper and documents 2) Selected an Large office building for Simulation model, Total Area of building was 25000㎡ 3) Calculated and Designed general fluorescent lamp and LED lamp by using distribution curve in office 4)analyzed light environment after installed LED and fluorescent lamp using the program(Lightscape3.2). 5)analyzed cooling, heating and lighting energy using the Dynamic Heat Analysis program which is the Esp-r and TRNSYS. As a results of light and building energy simulation, the light distribution of LED lamp was not uniform in the indoor because distribution of luminous intensity is narrow, the illuminance of desk is very high but illuminance of the wall and ceiling very lower than general fluorescent lamp. Also power consumption of LED lamp was 25watt, 20 to 30% smaller than general fluorescent lamp(32watt). so LPD(light per density) of LED lamp is higher than fluorescent lamp. High LPD was not effective for saving total energy of building which has a high cooling and lighting energy consumption.