Title Critical Success Factor(CSF) and KPI Level of Users' Claim of Maintenance Management Service in Office Buildings
Authors Kwak Ro-Yeul
Page pp.337-344
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building Maintenance Management ; User's Claim ; Help Desk Service ; CSF(Critical Success Factor) ; KPI(Key Performance Indicator)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest SLA/KPI steps in maintenance management service of building services and KPI level as quantitative index of occupant's claims in order to analysis level of maintenance management service of building services. Based on this research, SLA/KPI steps applicable to maintenance management service of building services were suggested. And, CSF(Critical Success Factor) applicable to maintenance management service of building services were chosen and as an agreement level, CSF(Critical Success Factor) and KPI level of maintenance management service of building services were suggested from the side of rapidity and satisfaction. It is found that service time which is elapsed from claim arrival to its service's finish is under 30 minutes and user's claim were accomplished rapidly and through results of users' service time of this study, KPI is applicable to helpdesk services in Korean office buildings.