Title Passive House Design Methods using Microclimate Modifications
Authors Kim Min-Kyeong
Page pp.39-46
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Microclimate Modification ; Passive House ; EnergyPlus-CFD Coupling Simulation
Abstract Microclimate is strongly related to energy balance which is a systematic presentation of energy flows and transformations. When energy source is concentrated at a particular spot, the energy can be continuously moved from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration in a given volume. Similarly, microclimate around the building, i.e. building microclimate can be modified by proper building designs and the geometry, e.g. building surface, density, barrier, terrain, 3D objects and huge plant etc. The geometry introduces a pathway of airflow, a windbreak and a non-uniform solar access etc. For example, a protected courtyard design against cold air can easily make warmer than exposed situations. The deviation in climate plays an important role in architectural planning. In this paper, we focus the thermo- and aero-dynamic effects that can be changed by the aspect proportion or height-to-width ratio, the orientations and the form of buildings, and the mixture of materials, the density or the rate of mixture. A good passive design which gives some shade in summer and allows the sun to penetrate as much as possible in winter consider the positioning, orientation and height of buildings. Deciduous trees aid to achieve the windbreak and seasonal irradiation impacts related to the albedo of walls and other structures facing the sun. These make a substantial effect on the microclimate of intervening spaces as well as the heating of the buildings themselves.