Title A Study on Space Sequence System in Future Space using Affordance
Authors Kang Min-Soo ; Choo Seung-Yeon
Page pp.57-64
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Affordance ; Space Sequence ; Future Space ; IT ; Dynamic Affordance
Abstract With the 21st century as a turning point, lots of things are changing. Among them, development in the field of architecture is beyond imagination and lots of developments are being achieved. In architectural space, representation of new space paradigm is being attempted in grafting with Information and Telecommunication technology and in space based on this, operation of three elements of human, space, and behavior is very important. That is, architectural space exists within basic frame consisted of axes of human, space, and behavior. Researches on elements with the concept, in where pursuit of goals people, who are behaviors, want through actions in defined time with a certain space as stage, becomes a standard and in here, IT technologies such as ubiquitous, AR (Augmented Reality), and sensing technology support actions behaviors pursue naturally and efficiently, are being progressed actively. The most important process based on the standard of this point of goal is to study and develop the concept of affordance and when we can adjust sequence of space based on this result, not only the elimination of inconvenience of physical space but also generation of space with new paradigm become possible.