Title A Study on Control Technique in Climate Acclimation of Vernacular Dwelling
Authors Cho Sung-Woo ; Lee Su-Yong ; Lee Yeoung-Ho ; Oh Se-Gyu
Page pp.107-114
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Microclimate ; Vernacular Dwelling ; Passive Design ; Acclimatization
Abstract The concept of sustainable development to preserve natural environment through economy in resources and energy is gradually distinguished since environmental problems as a series of air pollution and global warming take place now. Building occupies more than 1/3 of energy consumption in the whole world. Energy consumption of buildings caused a quick increase in the amount of energy use by air conditioning, which has a lot of effects on exhaustion of fossil energy as well as an increase in environmental load. The study recognized that it was necessary to carry out R&D on high-efficiency use methods and natural energy use methods to reduce energy of houses including apartment houses. The study considered Vernacular Dwelling which is the original form of design including locality, climate and tradition in the past as an answer to use natural energy. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to examine Vernacular Dwelling by reflecting demands of the times and to extract dwelling techniques considering climate control, assuming that maximization to use natural energy and design methods to reduce energy consumption would be connected with the pertinent area & site and climate factors.