Title Representation and Design Method of "Light Echo" as Design Concept of Ronchamp Cathedral
Authors Cha Myung-Yeol
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Metaphorical Thinking ; Spacial Design ; Knowledge Representation ; Design Methods ; Ronchamp Cathedral
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explicitly explain metaphorical thinking process in terms of analyzing Ronchamp Cathedral. Corbusier mentioned south elevation of Ronchamp Cathedral as "Light Echo" which is metaphorical phrase that properties(schema) of light are equal to properties(schema) of echo. This metaphor process employed two main sub processes which are parametric design and replacement design process. Parametric design was used to change window sizes, wall thicknesses and angles of walls. Replacement design was used to change color of classes and that can be used many different windows design.