Title |
A Study on Frontage Space of Building as a Design Element of Urban Public Environment - Focused on Theheran Street & Marunouchi Nakado-ri Frontage Space of Building |
Authors |
Lee Sang-Muk ; Kim Do-Nyun |
Keywords |
Frontage Space of Building ; Integrate Design ; Performance Criteria for Quality Measure ; Partnership ; Management System |
Abstract |
Current legislations and guidelines concerning the public city environment have contributed towards securing sufficient space in terms of quantity, however, there has been some limitations on improving the quality and promoting active city environments. In this research, plans to improve the quality of Frontage Space of Buildings, and management guidelines are suggested in detail, based on overseas examples. Firstly, a strong private-public partnership must be preceded. The Frontage Space of Buildings belongs to the public and is open to all, but the actual development and maintenance responsibility lies with the private organizations. Secondly, the necessary guidelines and performance criteria must be presented in order to achieve the complete integration of the Frontage Space of Buildings with the streets. Current guidelines pose a number of limitations for the realization of an integrated environment between private and public domains due to the legislation which separates the public from the private sector. Thirdly, in order to secure a reliable quality performance criterion for the use of frontage space of buildings, programs as well as physical plans must be considered. Fourth, a sustainable management system must be presented, as demonstrated by the overseas cases. The management system must be suggested on a regional scale as oppose to individual buildings, and in order to achieve active participation from the private and public counterparts. Lastly, support from the public counterparts must precede all else, for the planning, composition and maintenance of frontage space of buildings. Frontage Space of Building belong to private organizations, therefore, voluntary participation with a strong sense of ownership, co-operation and support with the clients as a partner is important. |