Title A Study on the Recognition and Expression of Time in the Architecture
Authors Moon Jung-Pil ; Kim Ki-Hwan
Page pp.205-212
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Time ; Expression of Time ; Recognition of Time ; Synchronicity
Abstract This study is proposed to find the expression of time through three cases of viewpoint about time and synchronicity in the architecture. The expression of time analyzed by the expression of time in the architecture and the recognized time by architect. The cases is as follow; First case, It is ‘The expression of the real time and the recognition through the instant synchronicity’. The architecture had to express the dynamic constitution which reflected any moving or recognition of changing emotionally. So, those expression could steer the observer's recognition of multiful spaces at the same time through the ‘sensible instant’. Second case, It is ‘The expression of relational time and the recognition through the phenomenal synchronicity’. The architecture had to express for changing human's unconsciousness to consciousness. So, those expression could steer the observer's recognition through the ‘presentness of consciousness’ as synchronous methods. Third case, It is ‘The expression of ideological time and the recognition through the flux synchronicity’. The architecture had to express the continuation concerned of the time after including the past memory sources and future expectations with present things. So, those expressions could steer to observer's recognition for accomplishing the ‘meaning of continuation’ as the way of synchronicity of the time. As the results, architect should try to express the three cases of time and make practical appications of synchronicity for observer.