Title A Study on the Area Management System for Urban Revitalization - Focused on Analysis of the Area Management System in USA, UK and Japan
Authors Kim Do-Nyun ; Lee Seong-Chang ; Song Seung-Min
Page pp.213-224
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Revitalization ; Area Management ; Business Improvement District(BID) ; Town Centre Management(TCM)
Abstract The aim of this study is on the area management system for the urban revitalization. Using comparative analysis of systems, such as, BID(Business Improvement District), TCM(Town Centre Management) and AM(Area Management), this study have come up with following four conclusions that are applicable to urban environment in Korea. First, public involvement and their recognition in the area management needs to be improved. Second, financing plan and organizing strategy needs to be institutionally supported. Third, in applying the area management, it is critical to the specificity of area and to apply system procedurally. Forth, roles of public sector that support, estimate and observe private one are getting more important because the political power of management organizations have increased recently.