Title A Study on the Optimization of Glazing and Shading Devices for Energy Savings in Perimeter Zones of a Small Office Space
Authors Park Joo-Hyun ; Kim Kang-Soo
Page pp.321-328
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Glazing ; Shading Coefficient ; Window-to-wall Area Ratio ; Shading Device ; Energy Saving ; Annual Energy ; EnergyPlus
Abstract In the high oil prices age, various design factors of the building are required for saving the energy. Glazings and shading devices can be an alternative of reducing the excessive load of cooling and heating, especially in glass-skin buildings. The objective of this study is to present solar energies transmitted into the zone and loads of heating and cooling at peak and annual periods by using the EnergyPlus program. The results show that the application of windows with a low shading coefficient and louvers with overhang+fins decreases in the energy saving ratio.