Title Prediction of Discomfort caused by Odor Spread using Olfactory and Tracer Gas Method
Authors Park Beung-Yong ; Kim Tae-Yeon ; Leigh Seung-Bok
Page pp.349-356
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Odor Spread ; Tracer Gas Method ; IAQ(Indoor Air Quality)
Abstract Recently, Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) has become significant environment problems as a result of the knowledge about comfort and health on human. Indoor Air pollutants are emitted from building components, smoke and odors. An odor is released from the cooking process in a kitchen with high emission rates of contaminants. Furthermore, It is not harmful to health compared to VOCs but the food can be easily recognized and make discomfort in a low concentration. The purpose of this research is developed evaluation method for odors and propose a prediction of discomfort. We used two kinds of method for odor scale, compare to odor intensity from panels and tracer gas concentration, to use odor analysis method. From the results, we were able to grasp the relation and the influence among the tracer gas and make two kinds of the arithmetic equations. Based on test results, existence and intensity of odor in places with different room volume and ventilation rate can be determined as for the production intensity of odor.