Title Seismic Safety Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate Buildings
Authors Seo Dae-Won ; Choi Hyo-Jun ; Han Byum-Seok ; Shin Sung-Woo
Page pp.19-26
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Flat Plate ; Punching Shear ; Slab-column Connection ; Nonlinear Analysis ; Time History Analysis ; Reliability Assessment
Abstract The conventional flat plate systems were designed and built to resist gravity loads only. Because, the conventional flat plate system was designed and built to resist gravity loads only, the slab-column connections this system may not be appropriate to sustain deformation reversals during an earthquake of moderate intensity. This paper presents an analytical approach to evaluation the vulnerability of reinforced concrete flat plate structures subjected to earthquake load. Nonlinear dynamic analysis and reliability evaluation were studied for three type of buildings, 5, 10, and 15 story heights with flat plate structural system. And, a model was developed to predict punching shear failures at interior slab-column connections based on experimental results. Based on the reliability analysis, the probability of failure of existing flat-plate system are presented for different soil conditions and peak ground acceleration varying from 0.05g to 0.3g. The reliability index for typical 5, 10 and 15 story with flat plate structural system was evaluated by the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). Under seismic loading, the probability of punching failure increased with increasing expected peak ground acceleration and the number of stories in the building. Also, the local soil conditions have a significant effect on the probability of punching failure. Conclusively, the conventional building structures that were designed with flat plate slab system to resist gravity load only, slab-column connections of these building have showed punching failure in this study. So, it is needed to appropriate reinforcing detail to sustain deformation reversals during an earthquake of moderate intensity.