Title The Transformation of World's Fair Exhibition Space by Titration
Authors Baek Young-Won
Page pp.95-105
ISSN 12269093
Keywords International Exhibition ; World's Fair ; Transformation ; Transformation of Exhibition Space ; Titration
Abstract By converting the terms used in natural science and grammars to the social science, we can now understand many ideologies that could not understand before. For instance, there is a terminology called ‘Titration’. A British biochemist Joseph Needham(1900~1995) used the term in his book to understand the scientific technologies of China as the subject (Sample) that can understood from the European perspective(Standard Solution). Also, in the 19th century, the sponsoring nation of International Exhibition must have prepared for the of civilizations between their own and other participating countries. It can be assumed that it had affected the planning of the exhibition spaces for the International Exhibition. In this study, the transformation of exhibition spaces for International Exhibition is analyzed by using the concept of .