Title A Study on Apartment Design Preferences by Resident's Lifestyle
Authors Shin Young-Sook
Page pp.141-150
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Housing Design Characteristics ; Lifestyle Pattern ; Interior Facility ; Community Facility
Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the public apartment resident's design preferences by lifestyle patterns. The data were collected by research methods committed to middle class apartment complex residents, and analysed by spss statistical packages. The sample consisted of 253 residents. The results of this study were as follows : 1) Lifestyle patterns were identified 4 types, and it is generally represented by 4 age groups, from 20's to 50's. 2) The most standard design reference group was revealed in age 40's by their most positive and active preferences among 4 life style groups. They want more differentiated and diversified housing design and facilities and their usages in every aspects of homelife. 3) Age 20's and 30's groups were also represented characteristically for their future oriented design tastes. 4) Resident's degree of design preferences were identified to reaching amenity level. Further considerations of preferred design tastes in near future were suggested.