Title A Study on "YuSik" Space of Jung-ja Architecture in Choson Dynasty
Authors Kim Sang-Hyup ; Choi Kyung-Ran
Page pp.197-204
ISSN 12269093
Keywords JangSu and YuSik ; YuSik Space ; Jung-ja Architecture
Abstract The "YuSik" space appeard in 16th century by SaRim. In beginning, on the philosophy and idea of nature of SungRiHak, the "JangSu" and "YuSik" space opposed to each other as room and pavillion which are basic units comprised of maru and OnDol. But, in 17th century, these two spaces developed various forms such as Nu, NuKak, NuMun, Jungja, JungSa and exist together. Futhermore, the coexistence expressed utopia of SungRiHak with "kok(valley)" and "Kyoung(scenery)" around them. So the "KangHak" of SungRi philosopher in Choson period is the space which mixed "JangSu" and "YuSik" space. There fore we can recognize that two space and function go together in the idea of SungRiHak. In conclusion, the "YuSik" space acted on Jungja Architecture by built as the space of "YuSik" for "JangSu" for "JangSu" for "YuSik".