Title A Study on the Characteristic of Urban Waterfront Projects in New York City - Focus on the cases of Lower Manhattan
Authors Choi Jung-Hee ; Kim Ki-Yeon ; Jang Kyoung-Chul
Page pp.241-248
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Waterfront ; Redevelopment ; Integrated Approach
Abstract Except The Bronx, 4 boroughs of New York City are islands surrounded by Hudson River, East River, Harlem River, New York Bay and Long Island Waterway. Through industrialization, almost waterfronts in New York City were used for manufacturing and transportation. Post-industrialization beginning, the change of waterfront's function becomes a major issue in NYC's urban planning and urban design. This study considered the characteristic of the urban waterfront redevelopment cases in Lower Manhattan. The result shows that urban waterfront redevelopment plans of diverse scales have been developed, being related strongly one another 'regional scale(NYS) - urban scale(NYC, Manhattan) - community scale(redevelopment projects)', and now, urban waterfront in Lower Manhattan is being transformed into a contact point between water and human as well as public space, a green corridor linking an area to area, and a mixed-zone combining urban area with nature.