Title A Study on the CO₂Emission Performance Assessment of the Sustainable Building Technologies for Multi-Family Residential Buildings
Authors Lee Jong-Sik ; Kang Hae-Jin ; Park Jin-Chul ; Rhee Eon-Ku
Page pp.275-284
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Multi-Family Residential Buildings ; Sustainable Building Technologies ; CO₂Emission ; EnergyPlus
Abstract Recently, specific plans and movements to reduce the emissions of CO₂have been visualized in the global range. First, the standard models of multi-family residential buildings are selected, and then the sustainable building technologies that are applicable for multi-family residential buildings are induced by analyzing the examples and then an optimal plan for when the sustainable building technologies can be integrated and applied to the standard model was formulated. In the results of converting the energy consumption and reduction amount from the building technologies into CO₂emissions to analyze the distribution ratio compared to the entire CO₂emissions; the heat recovery ventilator is 0.5%, the photovoltaic system is 1.9%~5.9%, the solar hot water heating system is 6.3%~13.1% and the geothermal heat-pump system is 39.0% when both heating and hot water heating are applied. An optimally integrated application method for the building technologies is in charge of heating and hot water heating through the geothermal source heat pump system and in charge of the electricity load through the photovoltaic system(45%).