Title A Correlation of Occupant Satisfaction and Quality Level of Maintenance Management Service in Office Buildings
Authors Kwon Suh-Hyun ; Chun Chung-Yoon ; Kwak Ro-Yeul
Page pp.285-292
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Office Building ; Maintenance Management Service ; Help Desk ; Occupant Satisfaction
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze relationship between the level of maintenance management service and occupant satisfaction in office buildings. In order to ensure whether the level of maintenance management service corresponds with occupant satisfaction to indoor environment quality(IEQ), we evaluated maintenance management service through surveys of managers and investigated occupant satisfaction by the questionnaire in seven office buildings. Based on this research, it is found that when the level of maintenance management service increased until 60%, occupant satisfaction to IEQ rose with the level of maintenance management service, but when the level of maintenance management service was over 60%, occupant satisfaction didn't become higher. Also, we found factors affected to occupant satisfaction to IEQ and these were not only environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, air flow and indoor air quality but also Help Desk service such as response time to request and attitude.