Title The Green Design Strategies for Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Evaluation Systems of Large Data Centers
Authors Cho Jin-Kyun ; Jeong Cha-Su ; Kim Byung-Seon
Page pp.293-300
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Data Center ; Green IT ; Energy Efficiency ; Performance Index ; Green Building Certification
Abstract Environmental sustainability and climate change will present substantial opportunities and important risks for the IT industry in 2008 and beyond. Green design is the hot topic these days, and the concept is having an impact on the way people think about data centers. Large data centers are one of the most significant energy consumers, so any action to reduce this consumption will have a positive impact on environmental footprint. High energy costs and growing environmental awareness are the primary drivers of green data centers. A green data center is defined as one in which the architectural, mechanical, lighting, electrical and IT-computer systems are designed for maximum energy efficiency and minimum environmental impact. Data centers also focused on the use of performance metrics for analyzing air distribution systems and demonstrates four metrics. They provide an opportunity to judge the performance of cooling system. Data center managers are so much interested in LEED recently but there are few currently certified data centers in the U.S. While LEED is an excellent tool to provide a metric, it can't be a suitable driver for IT design. Now, there are several data center grading systems from grin greed and ASHRAE, but they are not complete evaluation tools, too. This paper closes that gap by outlining a green approach to energy reduction, based on quantitative analysis, that enables a 1.5 of PUE or greater reduction in data center energy consumption.