Title Predictive Evaluation of Outdoor Thermal Environment in Summer of Apartment Housing According to Building Types and Site Planning Types
Authors Yoon Seong-Hwan ; Jeong Seon-Yeong
Page pp.321-328
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment Housing ; Outdoor Thermal Environment ; Mean Radiant Temperature ; Heat Island ; Building Types ; Site Planning Types
Abstract This study aims to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of outdoor thermal comfort and heat island potential in summer of the typical residential flat-type apartment housing and tower-type apartment housing according to building types and site planning types using numerical simulation of all-surface-temperature of 3-dimension. The accomplished results of study are as follow. 1)Quantitative evaluation was outdoor thermal environment through case studies and eco-friendly housing plan reflected in the design process and designers can build a foundation of DB. 2)The surface temperature indicated that the tower-type apartment housing were the apartment building temperature 1.0℃~1.5℃ and the ground temperature 1.0℃~1.3℃ more highly flat-type apartment housing. 3)MRT indicated that the flat-type apartment housing were better outdoor thermal comfort than tower-type apartment housing. 4) HIP indicated the tower-type apartment housing 0.5℃ more highly flat-type apartment housing.