Title A Study on Design Factor of Outdoor Space for Elderly Housing base on Therapeutic Environment
Authors Kim Min-Gyu
Page pp.153-160
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Elderly Housing ; Outdoor Space ; Therapeutic Environment ; Multi-sensory Stimulation Environment ; Aged Society
Abstract Research increasingly shows that spending time outdoors may have significant health benefits for long-term care residents. Spending even moderate amounts of time outdoors can improve mental and physical health by increasing activity levels, and providing contact with natural environments. However, in spite of known benefits and apparent interest, many outdoor areas at existing facilities are reported as being underutilized by elderly residents. This research analyzed outdoor space design and architectural design tendency for establishing fundamental planning of elderly residence in South Korea. In terms of research method, A multiregional research project was carried out, with data collected in three of the ten largest US metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), which were chosen to maximize the diversity of climate and geographical location (Houston, Chicago, and Seattle). Facilities with 50+ resident capacities were randomly selected in these MSAs for a total of 68 facilities. These facilities were evaluated for their facility environment and residents and staff were surveyed. Data entry and analysis of this information was conducted to determine environmental preferences of assisted living residents and staff. These design concepts of outdoor space will be useful settings such as assisted living, nursing, and independent living communities.