Title A Study on Changes of Spatial Configuration in Seoul Urban Hanok by Adopting LDK Type of Internal Structure
Authors Koo Soo-Young ; Park Yong-Hwan
Page pp.161-168
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Traditional Residence ; Spatial Configuration ; Extension and Reconstruction ; Living-Dining-Kitchen
Abstract Traditional Korean houses called Urban Han-Ok began to be built in urban areas under the influences of rapid urbanization of Seoul in 1930. These houese have both characteristics as traditional dwellings and standards required through the social modernization, They are very important targets to make a role of bridging traditional houses and modern houses in Korea. In this study, by conducting investigations about actual living conditions of urban Han-Ok, we had interviews with residents, measured housing plans, and examined the history of extending or rebuilding houses by residents. We analyzed the relationship between the extension or reconstruction of dwelling spaces and conditions or variations of residents' living through investigated information. Examining changes of spatial compositions and their characteristics, we demonstrated the periodical variations of spatial composition of urban Han-Ok, and traced the process of adopting LDK composition to traditional dwelling spaces through modernization of kitchens.