Title A Study on the 'Folding in Architecture' based on the Gilles Deleuze's Philosophy of 'Simulacre/Event'
Authors Lim Dong-Yeon ; Yim Chang-Bok
Page pp.197-206
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Simulacre/Event ; Fold ; Folding in Architecture
Abstract The theoretical framework of 'Folding in architecture' has based on the Gilles Deleuze's idea of 'fold'. 'Fold' means only a material phenomenon but also metaphysical thinking and ontological status of 'Simulacre/event'. In spite of broad meaning of folds, architectural tendency, based of this thinking, gives undue value to metaphysical metaphor of the pleat of matter. ‘Folds' do not means only 'folded form', but explication, implication and replication of 'Simulacre/event'. So, the architecture of folding is not a 'folded architectural form', but 'the form of a folded architectural practice'. The purpose of this study makes an attempt to point out a prejudiced outlook and suggest a folded architectural practice.